10 Points to keep up in your cybersecurity Journey

2 min readMay 27, 2022

Everyone wants to be better at what they do right? Always yes for everyone but do you put in the work? Not always. Well Welcome back to another post with Fearless and to become better at ethical hacking, do these 10 points to be discussed right now. Alright. First and foremost,

  1. Keep Up with latest cybersecurity Articles and trends. The best platform to keep up with tech people is twitter and medium. You missing a lot if you do not have an account on these platforms . You can also get more on medium. If you are into bug bounties.

[With twitter you can follow real geeks that have been hacking for years and have substantial proof. We have people that do not possess any skill but make a lot of noise on social media.]

2. Practice everyday (Hackthebox, Tryhackme, Metasploitable, pentester lab, portswigger, letsdefend.io etc)You need to be consistent with the stuffs you play with.

3. Master your fundamentals

Now on this point,

4. Study always(There is always an update this field)

5. Know what works for you(books, projects, videos)

6. Keep a challenge on, in the sense that not everyone is okay with challenges, but you should always know the threat actors find joy in doing that . They love challenges in other to keep up with the latest trends in attacks. Challenge yourself always .

7. Network with other hackers

8. Get a mentor if you are new in this field

9. Check out tools and get updated always .

10. Choose a career path and stick to it .




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